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geomagnetically induced currentの例文


  • Rapidly fluctuating geomagnetic fields can produce geomagnetically induced currents in pipelines.
  • Magnetic compasses reflect local geomagnetism which includes geomagnetically induced currents caused by space weather.
  • Large nuclear weapons detonated at high-altitudes also cause geomagnetically induced current in very long electrical conductors.
  • Note that the damage is not done directly by geomagnetically induced currents, these are too weak to cause damage.
  • The utilities in North America and Northern Europe and elsewhere implemented programs to reduce the risks associated with geomagnetically induced currents.
  • The mechanism by which these geomagnetically induced currents are generated is entirely different from the gamma ray induced pulse produced by Compton electrons.
  • The utilities in North America, the UK, Northern Europe and elsewhere implemented programs to reduce the risks associated with geomagnetically induced currents.
  • When magnetic fields move about in the vicinity of a conductor such as a wire, a geomagnetically induced current is produced in the conductor.
  • The power failure lasted 9 hours, and forced Hydro-Qu閎ec to implement a program to reduce the risks associated with geomagnetically induced currents.
  • The phenomenon now known as geomagnetically induced current was observed on telegraph lines in 1848 during the first sunspot peak after the network began to take shape.
  • The phenomenon now known as geomagnetically induced current was seen for the first time during this cycle  it became apparent on the emerging electric telegraph network.
  • Then the effect of a geomagnetically induced current is to cause the core of transformers to get magnetized which will make the power transmission slightly less efficient.
  • Most generators are connected to the grid via transformers, isolating them from the induced currents on the grid, making them much less susceptible to damage due to geomagnetically induced current.
  • Within the solar system, space weather is influenced by the solar wind and the interplanetary magnetic field ( IMF ) carried by the solar wind aurora and geomagnetically induced currents at Earth's surface.
  • The surface electric field causes electrical currents, known as geomagnetically induced currents ( GIC ), to flow in any conducting structure, for example, a power or pipeline grid grounded in the Earth.
  • Some telegraph lines, however, seem to have been of the appropriate length and orientation to produce a sufficient geomagnetically induced current from the electromagnetic field to allow for continued communication with the telegraph operator power supplies switched off.
  • These include Solar Energetic Particle ( SEP ) events, geomagnetically induced currents ( GIC ), ionospheric disturbances that cause radio and radar ground induced currents that disrupted electric power distribution throughout most of the province of Quebec and caused aurorae as far south as Texas.
  • According to that paper, the gas-filled overvoltage protectors fired as a result of the voltages induced by the fast E1 component of the EMP, and the fuses were blown as the result of the slow E3 component of the EMP, which caused geomagnetically induced currents in all of the sub-lines.